Indivisible Western Springs Area

As residents of Western Springs, Illinois & surrounding areas, we stand #indivisible to promote change through progressive candidates #resist #BLM

Indivisible logo listing local groups for Harris / Walz

Hi Friend,

Thanks to all who joined us last week to celebrate the DNC and postcard as a family! Also save the date for an upcoming Debate Watching Party on September 10th at Hillgrove Tap. Details and and RSVP link are coming soon.

In the meantime, September is here and NOW is the time to up the ante, take Michelle Obama's advice, and DO SOMETHING!

Michelle Obama at a podium with the graphic “Do something”


One of the BEST ways to help is to talk to like-minded Democrats in swing states to Get Out the Vote.

Seasoned canvassers from our local group will be headed out to do just that and we'd love for you to join us! ALSO- special guest Marie Newman will be joining whenever she can at the following dates!

Join Jeanette and Indivisible Chicago members:

*On Sunday, September 8th to canvass in SW Michigan. Sign up HERE to join in, then reply to this email so Jeanette knows you're coming and can set up carpooling.

*On Saturday, September 14th to canvass in SE Wisconsin. Sign up HERE to join in, then reply to this email so Jeanette knows you're coming and can set up carpooling.

Carolyn will be canvassing with her family and Operation Swing State:

*On Saturdays, September 14th and 28th or October 12th in Wisconsin. Sign up HERE to join up, then reply to this email so we can coordinate carpooling. Note: Carolyn will be carpooling with her family so we will pool those who join up as needed.

Want to join in or form a canvass group of your own on another date? Sign up here

Operation Swing State check out all the available Saturday canvassing dates in WI.

ALL MICHIGAN Canvass Dates and ALL WISCONSIN Canvass Dates Check out ALL the dates you can canvass with Indivisible Chicago!

GIVE A WEEK FOR DEMOCRACY  on your schedule  by canvassing in a swing state and get paid to partially cover your expenses.  With Progressive Turnout Project

Thanks to all who can take this next step, as we all know... When We Fight, We Win!

If you need a different way to TAKE ACTION, here are MORE ways you can make a difference:


Cartoon grahic of phone conversation “Who will you vote for?” and “I don’t know! It’s so hard!”

WEDNESDAYS - Sign up here to call Wisconsin on Wednesdays. We Take the Drama Out of Phone Banking! Join us every Wednesday evening 6-8PM.

SUNDAYS -Sign up here to call Michigan on Sundays.  Indivisible Illinois Sunday Rockin' Zoom Phone Bank Parties are every Sunday at 3:45PM.

MONDAYS - Sign up here to call Michigan Mondays. Join Indivisible Chicago every Monday 3-5PM.

Various other dates - The Environmental Voter Project phone bank identifies millions of non-voting environmentalists and turns them into consistent voters.Join a phone bank, especially the ones to voters in Pennsylvania, a swing state. Sign up here.


Graphic with text “Text Voters”

 Training provided.  In general, you will need a computer for this. This is usually a virtual activity done from home.

THURSDAY September 19th, 6PM-8PM- Join State Wide Indivisible Michigan to text women voters. Sign up HERE

MONDAYS & THURSDAYS IN OCTOBER- Join Indivisible Chicago to text swing voters. Sign up here to text Michigan.

PEER TO PEER TEXTING Join Indivisible National to win back the House, by texting voters - Sign up here.


Image of flag with text “Voter Registration”

Virtual Voter Registration via Phone Banking to Swing State voters:

MONDAYS- Wisconsin Voters (6-8PM) SIGN UP HERE

WEDNESDAY- Pennsylvania Voters (5-7PM) SIGN UP HERE

THURSDAYS- Pennsylvania Voters (12-2PM) SIGN UP HERE

THURSDAYS- Michigan Voters (6-8PM) SIGN UP HERE

FRIDAYS- Michigan Voters (12-2PM) SIGN UP HERE

SATURDAYS- Wisconsin Voters (10AM-Noon) SIGN UP HERE

In-Person Voter Registration Events:

EVERY WEEK - The Milwaukee Voter Project has volunteer slots to fill! Please sign up to join this grassroots group of non-partisan volunteers who are working to ensure that all citizens, especially those in underserved Milwaukee communities, are registered to vote and are aware of upcoming elections. You do not have to be a Wisconsin citizen to help register voters.  Many of our volunteers live in the north suburbs of Chicago and drive up for a few hour shift. DMV sites are about an hour’s drive.
Training for the Milwaukee Voter Project takes about 1 hour and is on Zoom. Email Laura at to request a link to the training session:

Wednesday, September 4th at 7 PM

Tuesday, September 17th at 1:30PM

Once you are trained, you'll register citizen voters in indoor offices (DMVs) in Milwaukee disadvantaged neighborhoods. When you are ready to sign up for a two- or three-hour shift at a DMV, you can sign up online, (First-timers will get in-person support, but must contact Jim Balk at Carpools are available.

To sign up or learn more, visit or contact Laura Kushner at


Collage of postcards featuring different state names and images

 Let's meet up to write postcards to voters in swing states while we talk over hot topics with friends and neighbors!

Organizers will bring the postcards, messaging, and addresses. You will write the cards, furnish stamps, and mail cards this fall to voters in eleven swing states. You can pick up extra postcards from the front porch at 5141 Woodland Ave in Western Springs (NEW ADDRESS). 

Monday, September 9 (new date!)


Hop District

23 E. 31st Street, LaGrange Park

Led by Indivisible LaGrange/LaGrange Park

sign up at

 Tuesday, September 10

10am-11:30 am

Thomas Ford Memorial Library

800 Chestnut Street, Western Springs

Led by Indivisible Western Springs

sign up at

 Thursday, September 19


Pub 78

3733 Grand Boulevard, Brookfield

Led by Indivisible Brookfield

sign up at


Two different designs of yard sign for Harris Walz

Order your Harris-Walz Yard Signs Created by the Democratic Party of Lyons Township.  Delivered up to 5 miles outside of the Township borders. Otherwise you must pick them up at their offices in Summit. We will email you when the order arrives. They hope to have them at their Summit offices by September 13. 


Graphic of four people and the text “Network with Friends & Family”

 Finally, please remember to make time to reach out to people you personally know in swing states. Ask them to vote for Democrats and against MAGA. Text, call, send a personal postcard to them. Any citizen who will be 18 by Nov. 5 can vote in this election.  Is everyone registered?  Are kids away at college registered in their college state or will they request a mail vote?  Do they have a plan?  Will they ask their friends to do all this too?  Do you know what to say to them?  Download issue cards at The Card Campaign.

Also, reach out to every social media friend and follower you have everywhere and ask them to vote Democratic and to get their swing state friends and family to do the same.  Ask them to do all of the above! Repeat.  And repeat.  

Thanks for all you have done and will do in this election.  The time for heavy lifting is NOW!

...from your local organizers in

Indivisible Western Springs

Indivisible La Grange / LaGrange Park

Indivisible Brookfield

Postcards at Hop District!

Writing postcards

Stand with Indivisible Western Springs - we can’t do it alone!  Please consider donating

Learn about Swing Left’s 2024 strategy and how you can get involved! Click on the image above for a slideshow explaining the letter writing process and begin making a difference today!

Letter Writing Campaigns

Letter Writing with Swing Left/ Vote Forward

If you are new to Swing Left action, sign up here to join in letter-writing - you can make a difference!